Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Tuesday 16.12.14
Sunday, 14 December 2014
Sunday 14.12.14
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Saturday 13.12.14
Friday, 12 December 2014
Friday 12.12.14
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Thursday 11.12.14
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Sam has been busy with the physiotherapists today. They are helping him with breathing exercises, to move around his bed and they have helped him to stand today. He had been busy with his Christmas decoration production and his room is looking very festive so he is quite tired this evening.
He had a break from the oxygen but his saturation has dropped too low so they have started it again. His gastric aspirate had reduced so they tried to put a small amount of build up feed down his NGT and into his tummy but this promptly returned and so Sam remains nil by mouth again.
We were feeling hopeful that we were turning a corner, but when it becomes apparent that things remain the same the disappointment sets in greater than you can imagine and it can be seen in Sam. This evening he has realised his body is not ready for food so the drips will continue.
Sam is very weak. His body is thin and curled to the shape of the bed in which he had been for far too long now. He looks poorly. It is surprising how quickly someone can become a 'sick hospital patient'.
Sam is a fighter and as soon as he can he will be back in action. We are desperate to have him home and to return to normality. It's so difficult living this split life. I have had to shut down to any distractions other than home and hospital and it is quite odd to know that life continues around us! Someone mentioned it was Christmas... I can't begin to think about Christmas until we get Sam home.
We have tickets to the mother goose panto at the play house on Monday... But the hospital don't think Sam will be ready to go... We are hopeful he might but really we should be passing them on.... (Also my parents now can't come as dad has had an op on Monday too) so 3 adult and 1 child ticket up for grabs if you are interested let me know.
- Joy
Monday, 8 December 2014
Today has been calmer unlike yesterday which was very distressing for us all. We remain in salisbury with 1-1 care as the PICU in Southampton is full.
Samuel has many pumps and bells. He has infusions of morphine, potassium, antibiotics, paracetamol, and TPN running. He is unable to maintain his oxygen level without facial oxygen as he has pleural infusion (fluid on his lungs), he also has a cardio infusion (fluid on his heart), both a result of prolonged illness and restriction to his mobility and the pressure that the abdominal obstruction placed on his organs. Sams NGT remains on free drainage to empty his stomach as he still has a parylitic ilieos.
A cannula has been placed in his foot as he has run out of veins in his arms. Sam finds all the needles and daily blood tests so distressing. He has had an air bed since Thursday to help prevent pressure sores.
Sams abdomen looks less distended which is reassuring, However the 2 large dressings covering his wounds represent the trauma he has experienced.
Sam is very stoic and hides his pain very well and It has been quite a challenge to control his pain today. Movement and even touch is quite distressing for him. My instinct is to want to hold his hand, or stroke his hair or cheek but he could not cope with this this morning. This compounds my feeling of guilt wondering how I ever let this happen to him. Is he rejecting me as he does not trust me to keep him safe.
My poor baby has been trough so much. It's unbelievable that over two weeks ago he became ill with what we thought was a simple tummy bug. What is harder still, is that this time last sunday I was wondering how we were going to manage splitting family life between home and the hospital, for what i thought would be just a few days, and yet sams recovery has been reset even further now compared to where we thought we were last Sunday.
Isaac known as the 'shower baby!' To the nurses on Sarum ward (because he has slept in the cubical shower since Sams admission) has moved into the parents flat with me on Sarum ward, we have a little space to escape the bells and beeps, yet be close as we can to Sam. I do feel guilt when I leave sams bed side, but being there almost 24 hrs a day for the last two weeks has been very intense.
We are so grateful for all the messages of encouragement and love, meals, cake, and offers of help that we are receiving. We are sorry that we have not been able to reply to everyone individually, our reception here at the hospital is poor and our priority is with our family at the moment. To learn that Sam was prayed for by 4 different churches today is really special to us.
We feel very blessed at this traumatic time, we have so many people helping us to keep our heads above the water. Here begins our third difficult week ... and I know with everyone's help we should get through this tricky time.
Thank you
Love from
Nigel Joy
Sam Ben Luke Josh Isaac
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Saturday 20.45 Returned to children's ward
Post op Saturday 1800hrs
Saturday afternoon
Friday evening
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Thursday Evening
Sam is looking much better today. He is bright and cheerful. His NGT is still producing aspirate and he has TPN feeding. He had a temperature overnight and this evening which continues to suggest that he has a pelvic abscess, but there are no plans to interfere with this at the moment. His wound remains open to allow the infection to escape. He had a food challenge which was unsuccessful and made Sam feel quite sick so the surgeons were called back to see him. He is now NBM again and they will decide what to do tomorrow unless he worsens overnight. Sam feels a bit down about this and we are feeling saddened that it is looking less likely now that he will come home this weekend. Ben is very tearful today and Luke angry about Sam not being with us. Please hold them in your prayers too. We are so grateful for all your kind messages and all the help we have been given. Thank you everyone! Xxx
Last night was a bit unsettled but good sleep between. Sam is looking even more brighter today. He remains NBM. We are waiting for the surgeons to review him today.
- Joy
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Sam is brighter again this afternoon which is encouraging. He is watching TV and showing interest in life again. Much remains the same with his paralytic ileus. His abdomen remains distended. He has 4 IV lines running. His NGT continues to drain his tummy, and his wound remains open.
We appreciate all the support that we are being given with meals and evening baby sitting. We have found a little routine and are just about managing to split ourself between our family at home and sam in hospital. Your messages and prayers for us are so valuable to us.
Thank you xx
Tuesday Evening
The mornings here are very busy with blood tests and dr reviews. Sam finds this quite upsetting.
Sams abdomen remains distended, his paralytic ileus is continues and is taking longer than expected to heal. Sam remains nil by mouth except for the occasional sip of water. The NGT and x4 IV infusions continue.
Sams recovery has plateaued. The surgeon explained that Sam may now be developing a pelvic abscess which is causing his occasional pyrexia, and delayed recovery.
Despite this, on my return to the hospital this evening Sam is looking much calmer & brighter he is watching the Lego movie (thank you Rosie!) ... he is not interested in playing to play minecraft yet though.
We are so appreciative of all the love that you are sending our way.
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Tuesday Morning
Sam had a good sleep last night. He still has a paralytic ileus this morning and will remain on restricted fluids only. His Nasal Gastric Tube is draining lots and is less irritating to him. His tummy however is looking flushed again and his temperature is rising again so please pray that this can be controlled quickly. I did have a good sleep before 3am but I find it hard to sleep with the hourly alarming of the 4 IV pumps which are running so I'm feeling tired again. My day is very busy whilst I care for Sam and focus on the family so I apologise the daily update will be quite late after all is settled in the evening. Thank you again for the kind offers of help and encouraging messages. We are feeling loved and know God is with us.
- Joy
Monday, 1 December 2014
Monday Evening
Joy writes...
"Today Sam has more colour in his cheeks and he has been more awake. The TPN ( Nutrition into his vein) is building up his strength. He has spent longer lengths of time awake today. Sam is showing frustration to what has happened which also is a good sign.
This morning Sam's abdomen became flushed around the wound which is a sign of further infection. Marker pen was used to draw around the redness which indicated it was spreading. We were advised that he may need to return to theatre for a washout. The consultant Surgon was called and when they revealed his abdomen everyone was shocked to see that the redness had receded quite rapidly. What a quick answer to prayer that was PTL! (Praise The Lord!)
The consultant surgeon sat with us and explained that this was the worst appendicitis he had ever seen and Sam's recovery will be slow whilst we wait for the peritonitis to settle and his ileus is ready for food and drink.
The consultant said he was surprised how easy the surgery had been despite the state of Sam's appendix. We believe that this was because we had so many friends and family praying during Sam's surgery. Thank you everyone PTL!
His paralytic ileus continues. Sam is unable to eat and is showing frustration towards the fact that is only allowed to drink 5ml every 10 minutes, anymore makes him sick. He has however been well enough this evening to calculate how long it will take to drink all of his 500ml water bottle!
We really miss Sam not being with us at home. The house is not the same, despite 4 other little ones bouncing around it is far to quiet and we want Sam home soon.
Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and kind messages. We are feeling very blessed with such wonderful support from you all."
#praiseGod #prayforsam #Godisgreater
Joy has sent this...
" Sam remains fairly comfortable, the NGT irritates him more than any abdominal pain. However last night was not as restful as I hoped it might be! Sam was sick several times and his NGT leaked all over his bed several times (because there is not a proper paediatric bag to connect to a paediatric NGT). Every hour his drips alarm so they can be checked and reset....He had 3 IVI (potassium, antibiotic, and TPN feed). Zac also wanted 3 feeds last night ... He is resident in the ensuite shower room but wanted some of the action last night too! Sam is very weak he fell over in his haste to try and get out of bed before we were ready to help him (he never does anything slowly.. So this is a good sign that Sam is coming back). Sams wound dressing will be changed today, as it's an open wound this could be distressing for Sam. The pead says Sam is doing well considering what he has been through. It is a case of building him up (TPN will help give him strength) and waiting for the peritonitis and paralytic ileos to settle so that he can begin eating again, this may take several days. Thank you for all your kind messages they mean a lot to us."
Please keep praying for Sam and his family.
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Final update for Sunday
Joy writes...
"Sam is much more comfortable his pain is well controlled and he is beginning to communicate a little with us now. The TPN is running and his NGT is draining well. His is very weak and sleeps a lot. This is the most peaceful I have seen him since last Saturday. I think I can rest tonight knowing he is comfortable. Thank you for your kind messages & prayers."
#praiseGod #prayer #prayforsam #Godisgreater
A fuller update...
Joy has just sent this as a better and fuller account if what has been happening to Sam.
"Sam complained if a mild Tummy ache Wednesday before last on his way to school but as he looked fine and did not complain about it again we did not think much more about it. Last Saturday night when he went to bed he then began being violently sick and he had a fever. This continued throughout Saturday night and Sunday. We thought he had a bug and would bounce back after a day or so and we were dreading the family going down with it one by one. The vomiting stopped but the tummy pain worsened and the fever continued. By Tuesday evening he was so limp and I was wondering why no one else was sick. Then at 7pm the pain became localised to his right side which made me believe he has an appendicitis. I took straight to the dr who agreed with me and admitted Sam to hospital. They discharged him Wednesday evening saying his pain was not severe enough for an appendicitis. They said he had Mesenteric aderitis. Symptoms worsened and we were back in hospital during the early hours of Thursday then discharged home again with the same diagnosis. I phoned the hospital during Thursday night but they said his symptoms were usual for Mesenteric aderitis. Sam remained very unwell so took him to the gp at 9am who referred us back to the hospital. We had an ultrasound scan 6pm Friday evening which showed fluid in his abdomen suggesting an appendicitis. They operated at midnight. He had a Very gangrenous ruptured appendix removed. It was very long and tucked right into his pelvis with the puss they saw on the ultrasound. They said the surgery went very easily considering how Nasty it was. They are going to leave his wound open for 5 days to drain the puss. He now has paralytic ileus (paralysis of the gut causing obstructive intestine)which means his stomach is swollen with fluid & bile causing difficulty breathing v bad pain & vomiting.
He has localised peritonitis is ( infection of his peritoneum ). They have now passed a nasal gastric tube to keep his tummy drained. And they will begin TPN to build him up as he has not eaten for 9 days now. It has been very distressing for sam and for us to see him so unwell. Sam is more comfortable this afternoon and will hopefully have his first good nights sleep tonight."
We continue to pray for healing. #prayforsam #Godisgreater
Update @1800
I received the following from Joy today via WhatsApp...
"It's been difficult to keep everyone up to date with Sam situation the last few days. Your kind messages have meant a lot to us. We are sorry if we have not replied to any of your messages you but as you can imagine our priority is to be with Sam. What's app will hopefully keep you up to date and one message to you all is far quicker than us sending hundreds of individual ones. Matt is also creating a blog for anyone not on what's app so you can share that with them. I will recap on events during the last week to bring you all up to date as I've not managed to reply to you all and you have been kindly asking how Sam is doing. Sorry if it's a repeat update for some of you. Thank you all for your loving kindness. We are so blessed with such kind support from you all. Love from joy Nigel and the boys xxx"
Please continue to hold them all in your prayers at this time.
#blessings #prayforsam
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Sam |
Sam had a gangrenous perforated appendix removed Friday night having been unwell for a few days. The surgery went ok and relatively easily considering the placement of it under his pelvis, its long length and how nasty the appendix was.
Since then Sam has become very unwell and weak. He has developed paralytic illus (paralysis of the gut) which has meant Sam's stomach has become swollen with fluid and bile causing difficulty with breathing, causing bad pain and vomiting. Sam has also got localised peritonitis (infection of his peritoneum) which if it does not respond to treatment could make Sam even more unwell.
At this time Sam is in hospital under the care of the doctors and nurses; with his parents Joy and Nigel. They would really appreciate your prayers at this time.
This blog has been st up as a point of contact and to allow Joy & Nigel to update everyone when there is any news; there by not having to answer individual texts/emails/WhatsApp messages.
They really have appreciated all the love and prayers from everyone.
Please continue to #prayforsam