Monday, 1 December 2014

Monday Evening

Joy writes...

"Today Sam has more colour in his cheeks and he has been more awake. The TPN ( Nutrition into his vein) is building up his strength. He has spent longer lengths of time awake today. Sam is showing frustration to  what has happened which also is a good sign.

This morning Sam's abdomen became flushed around the wound which is a sign of further infection. Marker pen was used to draw around the redness which indicated it was spreading. We were advised that he may need to return to theatre for a washout. The consultant Surgon was called and when they revealed his abdomen everyone was shocked to see that the redness had receded quite rapidly. What a quick answer to prayer that was PTL! (Praise The Lord!)

The consultant surgeon sat with us and explained that this was the worst appendicitis he had ever seen and Sam's recovery will be slow whilst we wait for the peritonitis to settle and his ileus is ready for food and drink.

The consultant said he was surprised how easy the surgery had been despite the state of Sam's appendix. We believe that this was because we had so many friends and family praying during Sam's surgery. Thank you everyone PTL!

His paralytic ileus continues. Sam is unable to eat and is showing frustration towards the fact that is only allowed to drink 5ml every 10 minutes, anymore makes him sick. He has however been well enough this evening to calculate how long it will take to drink all of his 500ml water bottle!

We really miss Sam not being with us at home. The house is not the same, despite 4 other little ones bouncing around it is far to quiet and we want Sam home soon.

Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and kind messages. We are feeling very blessed with such wonderful support from you all."

#praiseGod #prayforsam #Godisgreater

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