Monday, 1 December 2014


Joy has sent this...

" Sam remains fairly comfortable, the NGT irritates him more than any abdominal pain. However last night was not as restful as I hoped it might be! Sam was sick several times  and his NGT leaked all over his bed several times (because there is not a proper paediatric bag to connect to a paediatric NGT). Every hour his drips alarm so they can be checked and reset....He had 3 IVI (potassium, antibiotic, and  TPN feed). Zac also wanted 3 feeds last night ... He is resident in the  ensuite shower room but wanted some of the action last night too! Sam is very weak he fell over in his haste to try and get out of bed before we were ready to help him (he never does anything slowly..  So this is a good sign that Sam is coming back). Sams wound dressing will be changed today, as it's an open wound this could be distressing for Sam. The pead says Sam is doing well considering what he has been through. It is a case of building him up (TPN will help give him strength) and waiting for the peritonitis and paralytic ileos to settle so that he can begin eating again, this may take several days. Thank you for all your kind messages they mean a lot to us."

Please keep praying for Sam and his family.


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